Nagai Tokihide (長井時秀)

Yasuhide NAGAI (date of birth and death unknown) was a person in the Kamakura period. He was a son of Yasuhide NAGAI.

According to the article dated December 1, 1254, of "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East), he was appointed to Fifth rank Hikitsukeshu (Coadjustor of the High Court) the year after the death of his father. The article dated October 30, 1257 as well as the articles of 1264 and 1282 of "Azuma Kagami" indicates that he went to Kyoto as Toshi (a messenger from the Kamakura bakufu to the Imperial Court in Kyoto). According to the article dated June 11, 1265, he was appointed as a new hyojoshu (a member of Council of State), and became Bizen no kami (provincial governor of Bizen) in 1271.

He had a son named Munehide NAGAI, who was presumed to be one of compilers of "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East).

[Original Japanese]